Wednesday, June 22, 2011


IT'S A GIRL!!! We cannot believe it still and we are so ecstatic! What an amazing day this has been. It was such a fun experience and we both really thought it was going to be a boy, so I was shocked and Brian was even more shocked when she said it was a girl! The woman doing the ultrasound asked us if we wanted to find out and we said yes we can't wait! Then she said oh wow there it we we're both thinking it's a boy. She asked what we thought it was and I said a boy and she said no it's a girl and Brian said REALLY!! It was hilarious....then I just burst out laughing and crying. Then, the rest of the time I couldn't stop laughing and smiling! She said everything looks great and the baby is in the 49th percentile which makes her in the average range. Her heartbeat was 135 bpm. She is measuring at 19 weeks and 5 days which is great. She waved to us a few times and was moving all around. She opened her mouth for us. Everything looked really good! I was hoping to get the ultrasound uploaded and put it on here for you guys to see, but the file is so big that it wasn't able to upload. We are trying to figure it out and then hopefully we will have it up here soon. I can't wait to start on her nursery and start getting things rolling now! We are also trying to figure out our name choices. I am so excited to see Brian with his little girl and we only have 4 months until SHE is here! :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Little Change in our Appointment!

Well I know I said today was going to be the day to find out the gender of the baby, but I got a call last week to reschedule my appointment. :( So now (hopefully) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 IS THE BIG DAY TO FIND OUT!! Brian and I are so ready and hoping that everything goes great on Wednesday and we are able to find out. We are also just so excited to see the baby again. It's definitely not a little bean anymore. This baby is growing so much and I love it! My ligaments have been stretching and I feel bigger more and more as the days go by. We had a wonderful weekend in Galveston with Brian's family. Brian's grandmother had a fun birthday weekend and it was great to catch up with everyone. I have attached some pictures! I will definitely be writing again on Wednesday and hope to share with everyone what this little cutie is!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Getting Bigger!

It has been so long since I've posted, but I finally feel like I have time and I am going to start posting more now that it's summer! Brian and I have been doing lots of cleaning and getting stuff done around the house. It feels so good to finish something you have been looking at and wanting to get done for so long. Anyways, we have been enjoying the time together and watching my belly grow! It's crazy how I just keep getting bigger and bigger! I love it! I am 18 weeks along and this week I have been feeling some little thumps and flutters in my tummy. I couldn't believe it and I didn't think it was real the first time, but now I know it is. They happen a lot when I lay down and it is the best feeling. God is so amazing and shows me everyday how wonderful this baby is going to be for me and Brian. We are getting very close to finding out what the gender of baby is. June 20 is the BIG DAY! We are very anxious and excited to know and start working on the baby room and names! We will be traveling to Houston next week to visit with my Mom and Mandy for their birthdays. It will be great to be with family and celebrate. We are then going to Galveston for Brian's grandmother's birthday bash! What a celebration that will be! So many fun events coming up. I will keep you posted. Hope you all are doing well and stay hydrated in the heat of summer!