Wednesday, May 16, 2012

6 1/2 months has come and gone!

My little monkey (literally she likes to climb all over me) is 6 1/2 months now! She went to the pediatrician last week and is weighing in at a whopping 13 pounds 7 ounces and 25 1/2 inches long! hehe ....We have a long and lean little girl you could say! Dr. Pruitt said she looks great and is growing wonderful! She had lots of smiles for him! We are so thankful to have such an awesome pediatrician for Emma Kate! 

Emma is loving her solid foods more and more each day. She has started to like pears, apples, and....bananas!! The first few times I gave her banana she cried so I was so happy to see her start to like it. She is also liking carrots, sweet potato, and of course her fave avocado!! I hope she is a good eater for me....Brian and I love to cook and are such big eaters so I hope she is following in our footsteps! Emma got to go to the river for the first time and play with Trett! Trett is the new 4 month old of the owners of The Steamery in College Station. There are a few pictures of them in the pack n play! Super cute together! Emma has had some play dates lately and gotten to play and watch other little kiddos! She has so much fun playing with new toys and watching the kids play and mommas talk! Emma will stare right at you while your having a conversation. She is very into people talking and wants to get in on the conversation!

Her precious new teeth, yes her two bottom teeth have come in, are so cute and they make her look like such a big girl! She has been scooting all around for a while and just in the past week she has really started to move her hands in the crawling motion. I can't believe it! She loves to move all around her room and she sits up really well now by herself. She eventually falls to one side but she is working very hard on her balance. She amazes me with her strength. The best thing is her laugh! She laughs so hard and we will just sit there and laugh at each other forever! :) She has also started to fake cough! It is hilarious....she thinks she is telling me something I can tell or when she wants to get my attention she will cough at me and smile!! She is really cracking me up!There are a few pictures of our mother's day celebration with my mom at the Driftwood restaurant and winery we love! Very special mother's day thanks to my wonderful hubby! He really knows how to make me feel special and I love him dearly!