Thursday, September 15, 2011

She Finally Has a Name!

We have FINALLY decided on a name! It was really funny today. As I was going through my children's books for her I stumbled upon one of my favorite author's books and a book that I love that I had forgotten I had. The name of the book is a name Brian and I have been thinking about for quite a while. I saw it and got the biggest smile on my face. Then I brought the book to Brian and he looked at me with the biggest smile. I think we knew right then that we really want to name her that and we were immediately excited! SO........take a look at the picture of her dresser and you will see Baby Patton's name!! :)

I'm also adding a picture of me about to go to Yoga! Let's just say my body and face weren't as enthusiastic two hours after yoga! It was good for me, but man I was sore! I do plan on doing it again though!!

Emma Kate Patton :)

Yoga Time!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hello Again!!

Wow! I am 31 WEEKS NOW!! Can you believe how fast the time is flying by? So much has been happening the past few weeks. We went to the doctor last week and everything is going great and right on track. She is getting so big and her heartbeat sounds wonderful. I'm measuring just right and we are thinking she is about 3 pounds now. Brian used the little heartbeat monitor on my tummy and found her heartbeat right away. Brian is getting so excited and loves to feel her kicking. We are continuing to get all the things for her room but we are waiting for the new carpet to be put in her room tomorrow and then we will get everything organized in there. It's going to turn out so cute thanks to my mom and Brian's mom. I can't wait to see the final product and post a picture.

Two weekends ago my mom and Brian's mom came to help us get the rest of the house organized so then we can focus on baby stuff. It was super helpful and we are very thankful to have things together with other parts of the house. Our childbirth classes are going great. We are really enjoying learning about the adventures of labor and what we are going to be experiencing. Recently we have had our busy time of August with the business with all the Texas State students moving in and out of apartment complexes. It was a very successful August for us and we are thankful to have more time now to focus on other things. I am also anxious to learn more and more to help Brian with all the office work. Since I am not going back to teaching I am going to be doing a lot of the office work and it's been fun to work with Brian and help him with anything I can. Especially since I am missing having my little 2nd graders each day.

I'm getting pretty big as you can see and her movements are much stronger and in different spots now. She sticks out her body parts all over my stomach. She loves to kick or put what I think is her feet right on my ribs. We know her head is down which is great! She is getting all ready for her big debut! I love to feel her each day. It is such a blessing to have this precious baby inside of me and I still can't believe that we are about to be parents!! :)

The devastating wildfires are are fairly close to us but still pretty far. It's just so sad and scary especially when you can see all the smoke. We were driving home on Monday and all we could see for miles on I-10 around Columbus and Luling were clouds of smoke in the sky. It looked liked real puffy clouds but definitely was not. It has cooled off around here though which has been nice not to have 110 temperatures everyday. We are continuing to pray for rain but it doesn't look like we are going to get any for a while.

We have been in Houston for some very special events recently. Two of my wonderful friends, Katie and Kathryn, have gotten married and I have been so excited to be a part of both weddings. We had so much fun both weekends with all the different festivities! I'm going to post some pictures from both weddings!

We go back to the doctor in two weeks. Looking forward to seeing her progress! Hope everyone is doing well and staying happy and healthy! Love you guys!